Upcoming Games in January/February 2019 - Part 2 - Crackdown 3

After years and years of broken promises, tarnished release dates and our expectations shattered, Crackdown 3 is finally becoming a reality. On February 15th on the XBOX and PC, our arduous wait will finally be over and it is safe to say, Crackdown 3 is finally upon us.

The years of hype for this game have not been for no reason, as Crackdown 3 has one of the best video game premises we have ever seen. A fully destructible environment, as in everything can and will be blown into smithereens. Seeing towering, futuristic cities in the bustling metropolis fall in a glorious inferno of explosions and flame will definitely never get old.  In the game, you play as a super-cop equipped with marvellous exo-suits and all the beautiful, destructive equipment necessary to fight crime and blow up the entire city in the process. There will be a story campaign to get through involving the underground crime in the city but the main attraction will be the co-op of up to 4 people. Yes, you can have infinite bazooka, jetpack and gun firing fun with your mates on the same destructible environment.

Oh yes, and did I say that you can play as the legend himself Terry Crews. Hearing his loveable, eccentric voice whilst watching the world crumble before your eyes will surely be a truly amazing experience. It is a shame that it is XBOX exclusive, but having waited for so long, we really just want the game, and it is coming.


Upcoming Games in January/February 2019 - Part 3 - Trials Rising


Upcoming Games in January/February 2019 - Part 1 - Anthem