TRAPPIST-1 - An Extra-terrestrial Opportunity

By Edward, Science and Environment Staff Writer
Three weeks ago NASA announced the discovery of TRAPPIST-1. This star, slightly larger than Jupiter but a lot more dense, had three, possibly habitable, planets. These were roughly Earth size and were in the ‘goldilocks zone’ an area in which a planet could have liquid water and other, Earth-like characteristics. This star, 39 light years away, is one of the 300 closest stars to the sun. This does not mean that it is close. Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity states that it is impossible for anything other than photons to travel at light speed. Although quantum mechanics states that it is possible it is incredibly hard if at all possible for a human.
We can observe the habitability soon as construction of the European-Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) is underway. When in 2024 it will, hopefully, be completed we can, via the light spectrum, observe the geology and composition of the planets. We won’t be able to travel there anytime soon though. Will this answer the questions or just ask more? Science never answers a question without asking ten more. We will just have to wait and see. Although TRAPPIST-1 presents plenty of opportunities we need to wait until we can take advantage of these.