Macmillan Coffee Morning

The Year 11 Prefects at Dartford Grammar School managed the successful Macmillan Coffee Morning with other schools across the country for the second time, and sold cakes to both members of staff and students alike to help those in need of support.

There was an assortment of drinks and snacks available to the staff and students ranging from red velvet cakes, freshly-made cakes kindly donated by members of staff, and a variety of hot and cold beverages.

The Year 11 Prefect Team managed to raise a substantial £613.91, to be donated to the benevolent charity.

The Coffee Morning is Macmillan Cancer Support’s largest fundraising event, spanning across the UK with the same aim; to eventually eradicate cancer.

Joseph Bullock, a Year 11 Prefect commented: “I thought that we did a great job of collaborating and organising the event and we’re all really proud of the money we have raised to support those suffering from cancer.


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